Logo, Paladin Partners, LLC - Financial Advisers

(414) 367-4675

138 North Avenue, Suite 10, Hartland, WI 53029

Your Financial Advocates


Consulting Services

Welcome to the Paladin Partners onsulting information page. We are a respected provider of hourly consulting services. Our goal is to provide the very best in tailored strategic, tactical, and implementation advice. WE DO NOT SELL PRODUCTS. This gives us the freedom to consider unlimited strategic options. Our independence, experience and network of highly qualified experts results in a top-notch team ready to tackle your financial challenges. Our goal is to always deliver measurable results. We want you, our valued customer, to be happy. Here is a condensed list of our services - references available upon request.

Investment Manager Evaluation and Selection

Our consultation services include manager evaluation, manager search, periodic reviews, fee assessment and negotiation, performance benchmarking and if necessary, manager replacement.

Investment Performance Monitoring

We provide investment policy creation/assessment, creation of investment policy benchmarks, GIPS compliant historical performance monitoring and periodic reviews. We help you evaluate your performance targets, the suitability of your invesments, level of risk and progress towards goals.

Trust Consulting

We help trustees and beneficiaries evaluate the conformance of trust financial management practices to fiduciary standards. This includes reconciling investment suitability, performance, services and fees with the needs and goals of income and principal beneficiaries.

Business Consulting

Our business consulting services include business planning, key employee incentive/benefit plan assessement; benefit plan creation/implementation, succession planning and qualified/non-qualified retirement savings plan design, assessment, implementation assistance and monitoring.

Insurance Consulting

We provide life, disability and long term care insurance policy design, review and assessment services.